Published in 2021
The Secrets of Ancient
Hippos (Sussita) Unveiled
This is the first touring guide that describes the ancient city of Hippos and tells its story. The guide includes three proposed walking tours of Hippos, the story of the city and its research history, as well as details of its various sites, reconstructions, and illustrative material published here for the first time.
Sussita (Hippos) National Park is located 2 km east of the Sea of Galilee and soon to become one of the central visiting sites at the north of Israel.

The Guide
Author: Michael Eisenberg
ISBN: 978-965-92924-0-0, Israel 2021
62 inner pages in full color and a foldable routs map, 17x25 cm
Cost: c. $ 17 (USD)
Hippos is located 2 km east of the Sea of Galilee, on a mountain overlooking the panoramic landscape of the lake and the Galilee to the west, and the mountains of the Golan Heights to the east. This is the first touring guide that describes the ancient city of Hippos and tells its story, extending from the Hellenistic period and continuing through its fluorescence in the Roman period, its conversion into a major Christian city and the seat of a bishopric during the Byzantine period, until its decline and final abandonment after the earthquake of 749 CE.
Dr. Michael Eisenberg has been researching this site with his colleagues since the year 2000. After twenty-two excavation seasons, he reveals to the general public the secrets of Hippos that have gradually been exposed by archaeologists and researchers. The guide includes three proposed walking tours of Hippos, the story of the city and its research history, as well as details of its various sites, reconstructions, and illustrative material published here for the first time.